Monday, April 22, 2013

4/20 getting grass!!!

On Saturday morning we were so excited because we were getting GRASS! It was my early birthday present from my amazing husband! Cool your jets people, I know it was 4/20 but it was the LAWN St.Augustine grass! What kind of people do you take us for?

We ended up getting two pallets and we need about 1 to 2 more, it's a blessing and a curse to have a large yard. *sigh* but it is looking AMAZING!!! <3 So after that only taking one not even full day, we knew we had to find another project to do this weekend because that is our favorite time of week. We bust our asses on the weekend but that's when we are the most happy, when we work ourselves to the point of hunger exhaustion and we literally have to feed ourselves to have any kind of energy. That is the best.

After putting in our grass, we went for a bike ride to the square, we just had the best time on our ride passing by houses and talking about the good, bad and the ugly things people do to their houses.

Sunday morning we woke up, went to seek out coupons, jumped into a few dumpsters, and had some success! Then we got home, I made some amazing omelets (not trying to sound full of my self, but they were really good) and we sat out on the front porch and were bored. BORED for the first time on the weekend in almost a year! Since we are too poor to buy more grass right now, and too poor to re do the two bathrooms we are on a limited home improvement budget. After a few minutes I asked Preston "do you know the story of if you give a mouse a cookie?" his response was...yea? I said "we are like the home renovation version, if you till up the yard, you'll want to put in some grass. If you put in some grass, you'll want to paint the picket fence. If you paint the fence, the house will look drab so you'll want to paint that too!" and his response this time was laughter and saying "it prolly wouldn't take much!" and we we set off to get some paint for the house.

Keep in mind, that we have never painted the exterior of a home before, and after getting a 5 gallon of what we thought was the perfect yellow, and a gallon each of the complimentary colors (for the detailed work) we got home ready to paint and realized that perfect yellow had turned out a funky TAN! Not what we wanted, so we went for a bike ride, and looked at the other yellow houses in the area. After finding "our yellow" we knocked on the door and simply asked what color their house was, they said it was "Butter Up" from Sherwin Williams! That ended up to be awesome because thats where we had gotten the 5 gallon tan and thought we could fix it.

After looking at so many different shades of yellow at Sherwin Williams we couldn't take anymore. We were feeling upset, let down, depressed, yellowed out, and without whiskey because we were running errands. We left Sherwin, and the nice manager said to think about it because it's a huge decision and he would take care of us. We went to home depot to get some sample colors and paint them on the house. We have narrowed it down to 3 colors and we are completely torn. We had always figured on paining the house a newer color of it's original color of yellow, but we found an amazing blue. WE NEED YOUR IMPUT!

Below are a few pictures, 1 before, 2 with the Blue siding, red, white, and darker blue trim. and 3 being bicycle yellow (it's a semi gloss paint but we would use a satin or flat so it's not going to be that shiny) dark blue, white, and blue grey trim. And lastly is Butter Up yellow, with dark blue, grey blue and white trim.

Let us know what you think because we are torn!!!!!

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