Monday, April 22, 2013

Taking back the lawn from hell

So today Preston and I needed to get the yard back in some kind of normal people land. After spending a weekend on it already we decided this needed to happen. After continuing pulling out trees (some we tore out roots and all, so whiskey involved there)
So we went to the Home Depot and rented a tiller, which = the best $51.30 we have ever spent. We went C-R-A-Z-Y!!! we tilled up (in 4 hours straight) our whole front yard, it went through most likely more than that tiller had ever been through in it's life. We sent it through everything, vines, rocks, bricks, weeds, broken clay pots, dirt, and the layer of plastic she put over the whole yard (and then covered it up with an inch of tiny pebbles and dirt), shit, and everything else the crazy lady who lived here before us planted.

To give you a picture of what kind of landscaping this crazy woman did is just picture this: if you went to the local home depot and just bought everything you saw and got home and dug a bunch of holes and said yea! This looks so flipping awesome! And everything was placed in the yard as if someone on crack or some other kind of illegal drug had said "YES THAT LOOKS FABULOUS!" that is what the yard looked like prior to the tiller and the incredible duo of Preston and Bailey.

After cleaning the tiller up and returning it to the depot, we got home and raked up the debris, it looked like a massive war zone of plants and plant life. But like our favorite lady on HGTV says she just wants brick, we were saying "we just want grass!" Well to get grass we had some more work getting the yard ready. So we got about 2 loads of dirt, spread it around the whole yard and called it a weekend. Until we looked at our cute white picket fence. It was falling down at one part and we knew we had to fix it. So after working our butts off all weekend and being to the point of exhaustion we were like "oh that won't take long!" We fixed it in a few hours and then after being completely delirious we called it a day.

Throughout the week  I had kind of a Huckleberry Finn kinda week, I painted the almost whole picket fence and it just looks soooooo much better! (see picture below)

When did we put a brick walkway in? I don't remember but it happened.

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