Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mothers, porches and goodwill, oh my!

First off I want to wish all Mothers a Happy Mothers Day and all non mothers a just good ol day!

So this weekend Preston and I knew we were going to set aside some time to spend with our mothers, and that meant we would not get our whole weekend for renovation, which is completely fine because without our mothers we wouldn't exist! So we knew we had to work hard if we wanted to accomplish anything renovation style. So Saturday we were in "I don't know land" and that translates into, "we want to work on something on our home, but we knew we don't have too much time to do it but we don't want to not do anything." so we started off walking around talking about what we could do, and decided to go to our local salvage store and look around. After that we went to the Goodwill, because that always makes us feel pretty good about our lives, even though we might be poor we don't have to buy used undies. Then to top it all off we went to Sams and had a bunch of free samples and got some Mikes hard Margaritas.

When we got home we realized that we still didn't have a plan for what we were going to do and it was 3:30 pm so we walked outside to look at the lawn and realized something to do!!! The front porch needed some TLC! So like the crazy loons we are, we decided that's what we wanted to tackle. We set to work, ripped up the horrible patch job the previous folks did, jacked up the foundation that was supporting the porch, and by then it was dark.

The next day (Sunday, Mothers day) we went to get our weekly coupons from our favorite dumpster, and then spent the next few hours enjoying our wonderful mothers companies. I got to spend time with  my mom, and Preston got to spend time with his! After that we got right to work finishing the porch. After an interesting trip to Home Depot (3rd time in 2 days) we realized our "cheap one day weekend project" was more pricy than we had thought but still completely worth it.

Once we finally had everything we needed we installed the 2 support beams, the decorative surroundings, and completed the new wooden porch floor. All that is left it to: caulk everything really well, add the trim to the last beam, and paint it all!

Throughout the weekend we had several people drive by slowly, one lady stopped and told us we were doing such a great job and she hadn't realized how "run down this place was until we started fixing it up right" which just made us BEAM!!! It's just so nice to hear from strangers and friends that they notice what we are doing. It just makes it a little sweeter. :-)

Also, somehow on Saturday I got something in my eye and then I was getting eaten up by misquotes, and Preston said "It's just one of those days for you that you shouldn't have gotten out of bed, huh?"

Porch before the dynamic duo of "Preston the destroyer and Bailey  the bad-ass Ragsdale!"


What a good weekend....I love my life. <3

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