Friday, January 3, 2014

New Years!!!!!

         Well folks, it's been a while indeed. Since it's the beginning of the new year we wanted to start off right. So we started Juicing (making juice from fruits and veggies, not steroids) and working out. Well, Preston started working out, I bought new work out clothes but haven't actually put them on yet.

         Since we both had a good amount of time off we decided to get some things done. My first thing I wanted to get done was redo a chair I got from a friend. It was gold-ish chair from the 60's and I had a strong desire to try my hand at something that I never have done before. So It began, I got paint. Because after much thought that was the route  I decided to go since Pintrest said it would turn out great. Well, to be honest, Pintrest lied! I was left with a half painted turquoise chair that was hard and crusty. I was not amused. Thank goodness Preston called just then and asked what I was up to. (He often asks me this prior to coming home, I think it is a self defense mechanism because he knows for sure two things in my life to be true, 1) if I have had a "cleaning" day, he will come home to a immaculately clean  house or 2) if I have had a "creative" day he will walk into some sort of crazy ass mess that only the Lord knows what went on because it looks like the whole house exploded.) On this particular day it was a creative day with the chair, and after telling him we might have to throw the chair away he said "why not re-upholster  it with Toile fabric? OF COURSE! So I marched my happy self down to the Joann Fabric and bought up a few yards of black and white Toile fabric and went home to start again. After a few hours I got the seat, arms and front panel complete and looking pretty good I might add. Then Preston got home and the whole project got derailed. It still is looking pitifully half way done in the living room.



 When I finally get it done I'll post and you can see it all pretty!

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