Friday, November 23, 2012

Black Friday=never again.

So my Preston's little brothers wanted to get a taste of the "Black Friday Fever" so naturally the only kind of strangers we would want to spend any extended amount of time with over night was Cabelas. So indeed, we (Preston, his brothers, their dad, and I)  got to Cabela's around 10:30 PM on Thanksgiving and began the wait. In the beginning it was fun, then we began wondering why on earth we had thought this was a good idea. Soon we realized that Yes- the first 600 people in line got a prize. What we failed to realize that there was only ONE rifle, ONE smoker, and pretty much the best after that was a hoodie. It was too late to turn back, at about 1:30am the folks from Cabela's had about a dozen heaters going, had s'mores that people could make, and hot dogs, all for free. That made it a little bit better. (luckily I had planned ahead and brought a flask. just saying) Soon the people around us got a little bit excited, as the 4:30 hour came close, that is the time when they started handing out the prizes, the crowd got excited and so did we! Maybe after all this we'll walk away with something good! So we pack up our sleeping bags, and chairs and wait. They start handing out the prizes (little things where you peel back a part of it and it shows what you won) they went down the line, and since we had gotten there so early we didn't have to wait too long. Right before the man got to us they said the rifle had already been won. Boo. When we got our prizes, $5 dollar gift cards and 1 $20 dollar card, we realized a few things. Black friday is not something I ever want to do again; My Grandma and Great Grandma loved doing this, I never really truely appreciated the things they went through for us, and also if there was a situation where we needed to bunker down for any extended time, It would be at Cabelas- after being outside and tired with them for about 7 hours I realized the people who shop there are the people I would want around me in the situation of the end of the world.

Anyways, not too much done on the house, but we are hoping to finish the guest bedroom by next weekend.

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