Sunday, December 30, 2012

Dead animal, whiskey, and one hell of a day.

Okay folks. It has been a while since I have posted, honestly between Thanksgiving, and Christmas we haven't been doing to much work on the house. But today Preston and I decided to get crazy with it (seeing as we both had the day off) and on Preston's last day off he crawled under the house to work on the foundation and when he was finally feeling pretty good under the house all by him  self he turned his head and saw a half decomposed cat or something like it and had to get the hell out of dodge quick.  About two weeks later (today) his brothers came over for a little bit and we all went under the house to get the "thing" out.

Once we were all suited up for the job we went under, and the boys had devised a plan:

                                           1. get under the house
                     2. using a rake, get the opossum into the Home Depot bucket lined with a trash can liner
                                           3. get it out.
Well, the first two things worked out well, however moving the bucket while keeping the petrified opossum inside the bucket proved harder than they realized. Since I was already back inside the house and since there is a opening to the underneath of the house in a spot in the house I was watching them struggle for a minute. When the bucket (with the opossum dangling out of it) was about a foot away, I just grabbed it with my gloved hands and got the damn thing out. After throwing it in the nearby dumpster we all washed our hands and proceeded to our next venture, finishing the dining room. It is still not finished, we got a little worn out, and had perhaps one too many shots of whiskey to do the best painting job ever.

Since we decided to work on the dining room, and of course I had to rip out the ceiling. We are using the same color for the walls as the Mammaw room so we (I) decided the corny nailed in stupid looking cheap tiles had to go. So I started off by taking all of them out, which filled up one entire trash can. after taking the tiles out there were a few scary places in the wooden ceiling, not to worry! That's why they make big gap filler though right? Right. There was actually a big enough hole that we could fit my phone into it and take pictures of what is above the wooden ceiling. :

The room Before
                                                                                           More from inside the gap

Opossum! Happy New Year!

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