Saturday, October 13, 2012

Kitchen Floor Redo on a whim...*pictures*

Holy Moly. My husband and I are possibly the craziest people in the world. Not in the creepy-im-going-to-kill-you-next-time-I-loose-a-poker-game-and-had-a-bad-day kinda way. Nope, we have a day off and while I'm cleaning, Preston and I begin wondering what exactly is under our kitchen floor. Well folks, since we had the whole day off and no where else to go we un did the threshold and realized that under three layers of linoleum, and layer of plywood there are original hard wood floors. WHY WOULD YOU COVER THAT UP?! I would like to go to who ever did that and slap them in the face with a wet sock.

So Preston and I decided why the heck not just on a whim tear up the whole entire kitchen floor? So at 10am we went and got some breakfast and then got two crow bars from the Home Depot and just pretty much when to town ripping up the whole floor, 3 layers of linoleum, plywood and all! It took us several hours, and a lot of craziness and the thing that creeped us out the most? Well, we took out the stove/oven combo and realized not only were the sides of that completely gross and covered up with what appeared to be left over grease from 15 years of fried chicken. There was a crazy hole in the wall leading to the laundry shoot. When I opened up the laundry shoot I was shocked, disgusted, and horrified at what I found. A pair of tighty-whiteys that looked like they had been worn by a homeless man, since Preston doesn't have those underpants we realized they belong to the man who broke into our home; we are contemplating hanging them on our front porch with a sign saying "Dear Person who broke into our house, if you ever break into our home again, we will hang you by your toe nails in the town square for all to see your atrocious acts." We're still thinking on that one. After that (at noonish) we had to take a shot of whiskey to make it not seem so bad, then back to work ripping out the flooring.

Now after all the layers are gone, we are just stuck with trying to figure out how to get the glue backing off the wood floor from the moister barrier. We'll most likely finish this up tomorrow if nothing goes wrong, we're thinking a good sanding is what it needs to be beautiful. Pizza for dinner because our oven/stove is too gross for us even to look at. We'll be cleaning that up with all kinds of cleaner and sell it in the garage sale.  YEEEEEEEHAWWWWWW!




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